Sunday, June 7, 2015

In transit - Reykjavik to Copenhagen

Still having massive issues with posting. Arrived in Copenhagen and we're having fun. One castle, one palace, one boat tour, and one great time!!

Here are a few pics to whet your appetite until I can resolve these technical difficulties ....

More to come, I swear! 💀=Yorick. Think Hamlet. We went to the castle that was the setting for the play. Padre kept referencing MacBeth as we took the train. Finally, when we arrived, he said, "oh, Hell," and realized his silly mistake. 

Also, if you're a Facebook friend of my Dad, send him a private message asking him how much a lock costs in Denmark, and can he verify the price? Trust me, the answer will be worth it!

I hope to have the blogging issue resolved. It used to take me an hour, tops, a day to write, edit, photo-ify and paginate an entry. Now it's been taking me several hours of effort. I need to find a solution for you, my loyal readers, so that I won't have to deny you my witty prose!

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